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Brussels 16th of Jan. 2007 9 to 16 o'clock (registration opens at 8:30):
Information workshop on FP7. Place: room in Tour Madou.
Programme NeuroIT.net/EC information workshop January 16th, 2007
Place: room in Tour Madou. For a plan of the Brussels Metro visit the site for public transportation in Brussels.

Registration for the meeting is required! You can register here!
The workshop is held on the
16th of January 07 9:00 to 16:00
(registration starts at 8:30).

In the beginning of 2007 the 7th Framework Programme opens two new research topics that call for participation and collaboration of the neurosciences and information technology communities. In the ICT theme, a call has been opened for proposals addressing Bio-ICT convergence. Among others, proposals are sollicited for novel computing paradigms, that aim at reverse engineering the information representation and processing capabilities of biological systems for new paradigms in information technology. On the other hand, the Health theme calls for research into coding in neuronal assemblies, aiming at understanding the interface between neuronal activity and behavioural performance. Here, an interaction between experimentation and modelling, and therefore a strong neuroinformatics dimension is essential.

The purpose of the event is to:

  • disseminate information about the two calls
  • suggest ways to collaborate across ICT-neurosciences-neuroinformatics communities and to strenghten European multidisciplinary community building in these areas
  • present related activities and ongoing research roadmapping
  • discuss international cooperation issues
  • make suggestions on future actions related defining new interdisciplinary research themes, such as for workprogramme inputs, roadmap updates, etc.